
Snapshot of Women’s Economic Empowerment Activities: September 2019–December 2020

This snapshot provides an overview of activities undertaken with resources from the former Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Fund at USAID to advance women’s economic empowerment globally.


Through December 2020, roughly half of these activities using resources from the former Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Fund at USAID reached 181,543 women. These women often benefited from multiple economic empowerment interventions, such as access to markets, business training, loans, and more.

USAID uses a three-pronged approach to advance women’s economic empowerment in every region in which it works. First, USAID manages funding and ensures optimal outcomes and results. USAID ensures that investments are efficient and effective. Second, as a team of technical experts, USAID works to identify the most promising proposals for accelerating women’s economic empowerment, provide initial funding to pilot these approaches, and then bring the best performers to scale. Third, USAID leverages its field presence to advance women’s economic empowerment and gender equality globally.