
Land Links: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Delve into the Land Links site, full of material in support of USAID's mission to secure and strengthen women’s land and resource rights across the developing world.


The site describes a wide variety of activities promoting the role of women in land ownership. Working with women, men, governments, traditional leaders, communities, and the private sector, USAID’s land and resource governance programming include strategies to:

  • Support law and policy reforms to formalize and strengthen women’s land and resource governance rights;
  • Promote gender and social inclusion in land documentation and registration;
  • Enable gender and social norms change;
  • Promote inclusive land use planning;
  • Integrate women, and their unique needs and concerns, into agricultural supply chains;
  • Raise awareness and advocate for equitable land and resource governance;
  • Empower women through agency-based trainings; and
  • Gather and disseminate evidence, best practices, and lessons learned.