
Clean Air Catalyst: A Global Partnership for Accelerating Clean Air Solutions

Read about Clean Air Catalyst, a flagship program launched by USAID and a global consortium of organizations to accelerate clean air solutions in low- and middle-income countries.


Led by World Resources Institute (WRI) and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the flagship program complements traditional efforts to strengthen air quality management capacity by focusing on solutions to two critical bottlenecks: the gap between recognition of a pollution problem and awareness of the solution; and the fact that reducing emissions can be expensive, with unevenly distributed costs and benefits from clean air action.

Clean Air Catalyst seeks to change this dynamic by working with local partners to build tailored, data-driven solutions to their air pollution problems.

The program will begin work in three pilot cities and create a practical, field-tested playbook for convening key stakeholders, identifying and building awareness of air quality priorities, and leveraging USAID missions’ strengths to deliver and sustain cleaner air.