Laws, Strategies, and Policies

As a U.S. Government Agency, there are U.S. laws, strategies, and policies that shape USAID’s work on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

U.S. government law, policies, and strategies address aspects of gender equality and women’s empowerment that provide a foundation for the concepts and approaches outlined in the Gender Equality policy. 


  • The Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment (WEEE) Act of 2018 calls for the integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment throughout USAID’s Program Cycle and promotes women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in developing countries. Section 3 requires USAID to ensure that all strategies, projects, and activities, regardless of sector, are shaped by a gender analysis; that standard indicators are used to assess programming; and that gender equality and women’s empowerment considerations are integrated throughout USAID’s Program Cycle. 
  • The Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (WPS Act) promotes the meaningful participation of women in conflict prevention, management, and resolution and post-conflict relief and recovery efforts.

Strategies and Policies